Lets start with bokeh, the out of focus areas of an image, this can be used to draw attention to the subject in the photo by having what less important blured out. This can be achieved using a large aperture lens in relation to the focal length or in general bringing your subject closer to the camera whilst keeping the background further away.
Talking about aperture, photography is all about light, so the more light you have the better your images will come out, you can always play around with the avaiable light and use longer exposures in dark places to create interesting light trails. You can pair long exposures with light props and a delayed off camera flash to secure your subject in place.
Reflections is another easy to excecute creative effect, you can use windows, cars, water/puddles and mirrors to assists you. this allows you to either have your subject or surrounding in the reflcection and the main frame or you could have them only in the reflection or show something completely different in the reflection for greater dramatic effect.
Double exposures, these can be done in most Canon cameras or also in post, the idea is that you are combining two images together on the same film/shot, yes you can do this with film really cheap! (Disclaimer buying film isn't that cheap). Unleash your creativity.
Underwater photography, you will need a specialised enclosure for your camera, however many smartphones and action camers are water resistant to a certain extent, so feel free to experiment with the world below the water level.
Shooting through objects and framing your subject, this can add some interest to your photos, by adding other textures or framing your subject drawing the viewer in, you can also use leading lines into your subject.
Using props, prisims, paint, paintings, lights and your surrounding or anything else you wish can help add some more interest to your photos.
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